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May the stars carry your sadness away, 
May the flowers fill your heart with beauty,
May hope forever wipe away your tears, 
And, above all, may silence make you strong.
—Chief Dan George


When we become aware of the beauty in our world, we become more peaceful.
With an open heart and mind, we can find beauty in the way things are—however they are.
We can feel gratitude, and be forgiving, loving, and peaceful with others.

When enough of us decide that peace is what we want, peace is what we'll have.
To do that, we need to study and practice peace.


B E A U T Y   B E F O R E   M E

Classic Native American texts are followed by related photographs of nature,

creating a thought provoking work for anyone interested in the allegorical beauty

of nature, and in practicing heart centered connection, love, and peace.

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This limited edition of Beauty Before Me was made as the full artistic vision

for the book. The book block is completely accordion folded, and comes inside

its own clamshell box, enclosed with vintage Native American trading beads.

Each page pulls the next one open, and all the pages are connected, symbolizing 

the way we are all ultimately connected. It's fragility symbolizes the way the best relationships include vulnerability, thoughtfulness, and tenderness. 


The photographs span my career and were made on the east and west

coasts of the United States. While some of the images began with digital capture,

I made most of the images in this book on some form of Polaroid or Kodak film. I used various Polaroid cameras, as well as my 35mm Nikon FM2, and 4X5 inch

Graflex Crown Graphic from the 1930’s. Most of the images were printed in France

by the Atelier Fresson, using a vintage process begun in 1899. The entire process

is chemical free and produces subtle pointillist tonalities that last forever. Those prints were carefully reproduced and printed on a traditional offset press, and the books were finished by hand. Making this book has been a true labor of love.

I made it the way I really wanted to, and I let it evolve as it felt right.

I've always admired the depth that the Native Americans, and other 

indigenous cultures, seem to stand for. They pause before they speak—they listen

and consider all sides. They let the wisdom of nature guide them, and listen for

that. They cut right through. I've always admired the way the best of them seem

to do that. They seem wise and caring and loving. They seem to be searching 

for the best solutions for everyone beyond just themselves—and they know that 

we are all connected, so there is that grace and comfort in being in this life together. That's what I see..... what is the right action... what choices are there... 

what has heart and meaning.....

Beauty Before Me has been many years in the making, and I'm excited to 

share it with you. I was originally inspired to make the book in honor of earth

day, as a celebration of our beautiful earth. Over the years it's grown into more

than that though—I'm asking myself, and all of us, to truly go inside ourselves 

and question our motivations, actions, reactions, thoughts, judgments..... 

and rethink them based more on love and peace and connection. Life is about

our relationships—with ourselves and each other, the animals, and the earth.

I want the reader to really stop and sit and be with this book—take your time 

and really take to heart it's messages. One by one, healing and understanding start from inside each of us.


I grew up a child of the 60s and 70s, and connection came naturally to us

then, as we sought to expand our minds together, mostly through a shared love

for the music of the time. This book is from my heart and soul. I've walked with

faith when all seemed lost, and followed my intuition the whole way, through

joy, loss, and tears....... and still, beauty remains. I choose to love anyway.

 I hope you find Beauty Before Me inspiring. My wish is for all of us to truly

see the beauty that surrounds us.


 "Hello Deborah! Thank you so much for your wonderful book!

It's amazing!"  —Jean Francois Fresson

"Beauty Before Me came out perfect. And I loved seeing the final product after

all the hard work you put into it. Really looks amazing."  —Logan Berman

"I will treasure it forever. It’s so breathtaking."  —Tracey Ross

"I love your book!!! It's beautiful, just like you!"  —Frances Fisher

"I love the texture and sequence and the accordion foldout format. Thank you so much for sharing this with me and the world." —Bonnie Raitt

"It is beyond gorgeous!"  —David Christopher Salvatore

"I've never seen anything like it. It's so respectful. Thank you."  

—Alfred and Gray Wolf

Symbolism in Beauty Before Me

Beauty Before Me begins with classic Diné text about

walking with beauty all around us. Finding beauty everywhere

is followed by the concept of studying and practicing peace.

The first ocean image represents a peace flag blowing in the

wind. The following images are color fields of the ocean taking

us out of our day to day reality and into the beauty of color,

and then to spirits of light over the ocean.


The book continues with “I Sang” about hope, power, and

love in singing, and the song floating on the sun’s rays. Images

follow of nature growing, nourished by the sun.


“Two Wolves” is the famous proverb about the dark and

light that exists in each of us, and how we choose which one

we feed. In the back of the book this is discussed a little more.

The next image contains both dark and light. After that, with

two images of palm trees, the question I am posing is

whether one wants to go with the crowd of trees on the left,

or think for oneself with the single tree on the right. Either

decision may be correct depending on the choice one makes

and the circumstances. The idea is to make up one’s own

mind and choose for oneself.


Now we head into the sepia section, and heart of the

book, with thoughts and images related to our emotions.

Compassionate wishes accompany “Silence.” Images follow

about relationships and connection with ourselves and others.


“The Circle” is about unity and understanding each other

and how that starts small and grows. Flowers illustrate the

concept with the shape of the spiral and then the bud to rose

to group of roses young and old.


A blood red section continues as “The First Peace” speaks

about how the same spirit is inside each of us, and the red tulip

images illustrate myriad forms and moods of love and spirit.


“Mother Sing Me A Song” is a healing prayer about

maternal nurturing and empathetic energy. The image that

follows represents a young and unformed child. Following that

are images representing blossoming and connection with others.


The power of the universe comes to us when we connect our

minds and hearts in unity. “Friend Do It This Way” is about doing

our best with this. The flowers opposite the text represent the

heart and mind integrated together. Images following represent

both realizing our expansion and feeling our pain.

There is beauty in it all.


With “The Wise Man” we revisit the concept of silence. This

time we contemplate the storms of existence inside ourselves

and consider silence as a cornerstone of character. We can

meditate to become comfortable with silence and the concept

of pausing, breathing, and checking in with oneself before

responding with love. Pictures of clouds over the ocean represent

the storms and the clear night skies represent the calm.


With “Let Us Know Peace” we come full circle with a prayer

for peace.



A portion of the proceeds from this book will be donated to support peaceful

people and a peaceful, sustainable planet

Donations have been made to The Organic Consumers Association,

in support of the transition to an organic, regenerative food and farming system

that respects nature, respects workers, respects animals, and produces healthy food.

Donations have also been made to Rory Kennedy's Climate Emergency Fund,

in support of climate activism around the world.

For more information, please contact

or call 310-457-2875

 Limited Edition of 200

96 Page Accordion Fold 


53 Photographs — 10 Classic Texts

Offset Printed on Munken Polar Rough 170gsm — Hand Finished


Nettuno 215gsm Endpaper — Cialinen Bookcloth

10.5 x 9 x 2.5 inches


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